Courage and Confidence since 1880


AP Art History Students Collaborate with Teachers on New Display
history bulletin boardAP Art History students, in collaboration with History teachers David Byron and Kate Spelman, created a new bulletin board in the second floor hallway. The installation focuses on Annunciation Triptych (Mérode Altarpiece), a painting by Robert Campin, which dates back to the mid-1400s.
“The primary goal of this project was to allow students to immerse themselves in a detailed study of one of our key works while modeling the process of art historical analysis for their peers,” Spelman explained. “The class was eager to bring their study of art history outside the classroom and to share their passion for art history with classmates who might be unfamiliar with the discipline.”
The girls were asked to study and reflect on different aspects of the work including symbolism, perspective, and use of space. Their observations are included in the installation.
“I really enjoyed being able to go into depth with the symbolism and background of this work, looking beyond what is simply in front of me,” said C. Rush ’18. “I love examining a piece of art to see that even the smallest details have significant meaning and purpose in the context of the work.”
“Art history requires a strong capacity for critical thinking, comparative analysis, and argument rooted in close observation - skills that are necessary for nearly any field, from surgery to the Senate,” said Spelman.
In the fall, History teacher Laura Baines-Walsh will work with Byron on a new display focusing on midterm elections.