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Computer Science Program Wins Diversity Award for Third Year in a Row

For the third consecutive year, Newton Country Day School has been awarded the 2024 Computer Science Female Diversity Award by the College Board for expanding young women’s access to AP Computer Science A. This distinguished recognition was awarded to only 237 schools worldwide, with just eight schools in Massachusetts earning the distinction. This honor reflects Newton Country Day’s unwavering commitment to fostering opportunities for young women in STEM.

Newton Country Day has seen tremendous growth and enthusiasm for computer science within the school community. Since the introduction of AP Computer Science A five years ago, the course’s enrollment has grown from just seven students in the 2020-2021 academic year to an impressive 21 students in 2024-2025, representing a 200% increase. 17% of current seniors and 19% of current juniors are enrolled in AP Computer Science A, 27% of Upper School students have taken at least two years of computer science, and starting with the Class of 2027, every student will have taken at least one year of computer science before graduating.

Computer Science Department Chair Martha Haddad P ’22 credits the teaching faculty for inspiring her students’ enthusiasm for studying computer science, especially in the Middle School. “So many of our 9th graders arrive in the Upper School excited to continue learning how to code. They share with me how they discovered their joy for coding through their exposure in Middle School and 9th grade. Without a positive first experience, none of them would continue studying computer science in later years.”

The school’s commitment to the Computer Science program is reflected in the paths of many of our AP Computer Science A students after graduation. Many alumnae continue on to pursue studies in computer science, engineering, and other related fields in college, a testament to the transformative power of the program.