“What I enjoyed most about this project was working as a team to create a beautiful and impactful dance whose meaning goes deeper than the surface,” said L. Wallace ’27, whose group chose addiction as their topic. Addiction, along with peer pressure, deforestation, the humanitarian crisis, and homelessness are just a few examples of topics that the students chose to interpret through dance.
L. Allen ’27 discussed why her group decided to create a dance about Peer Pressure, saying, “We wanted to bring awareness to the topic because words can’t fully express or explain the concept and feeling of peer pressure.” S. Deane ’27 explained that the message her group was trying to convey was that “homelessness isn’t talked about as much as it should be and that people often look the other way instead of acknowledging the problem.”
Dance teacher Leigh Lucey led this creative project for the grade. “Each dance group conveys a prayer through movement intention and artistry,” said Lucey. “The performance artwork recognizes the power of dance and its ability to bring about awareness and effect change. Inspired by Goal III (a social awareness which impels to action), the dancers hoped to inform and impel humankind to action, within and for the global community.”