Courage and Confidence since 1880



Students interested in participating in drama have many options. The Upper School annually stages a major musical in the fall and often participates in the Massachusetts State Drama Festival and the English Speaking Union's National Shakespeare Competition in the winter. Students are also encouraged to work as designers, technicians, and stage managers. All theatre activities are held after school.
Middle School students perform a musical in the spring. Recent shows include The Wizard of OzMatilda, Jr.Annie, Jr. All students work in the Sweeney-Husson Theatre, mentored by teachers and artists, most of whom pursue their own work as directors, musicians, dancers, actors, or designers in the Boston arts community.
In 2001, the School completed the Sweeney-Husson building, which houses the theatre. The 250-seat theatre was updated in 2018 with state-of-the-art lighting and sound equipment. The theatre houses our musical productions, plays, dance performances, concerts, guest speakers, and class meetings.

Middle School Musical: Cats: Young Actors Edition

Upper School Musical: Tuck Everlasting