Summer Sports Clinics
Cost per clinic: $400
All clinics must have a minimum enrollment of 10 students.
Week 3
Mon-Fri, June 17-21, 9am-12pm
(no clinics Wed June 19)
Middle School Soccer Clinic
(for students entering grades 5-8)
Cancelled: Middle School Field Hockey and Volleyball
Crew Clinic
(for students entering grades 8-10)
Week 4
Mon-Thu, June 24-27, 1-4pm
Upper School Field Hockey, and Soccer Clinics
(for students entering grades 9-12)
Upper School / Middle School Volleyball Clinic
(for students entering grades 7-12)
Cancelled: Cross Country
During our 4-day clinics, girls work with our enthusiastic Varsity coaching staff to learn and develop fundamental skills and a better understanding of the game. All levels are welcome. Questions? Contact Director of Athletics Kimberly Southall at (617) 244-4246.