Courage and Confidence since 1880

Academic Spotlights

Spotlight on Grade 6 English

Sixth grade English class focuses on the power of public speaking. After spending the fall learning the basics of rhetoric by studying great American speeches, each sixth grader writes her own speech, speaking up about a topic of importance to her. Guided by Goal III, a social awareness that impels to action, students research, write, and present on topics ranging from animal rights and conservation to equity and social justice. This project affirms for our students that the power of public speaking isn't just something other people have--their own ideas, values, and words can change the world. - Emily Horwitz, English Department 

Spotlight on Upper School English

Spotlight on Dance

The Dance Collaborative II (Upper School) students have been studying Screendance curriculum (dances choreographed specifically for the screen) throughout the year. They were asked to create a 16-32 count movement phrase and then explore filming it using a variety of different camera angles, capturing different perspectives. This work serves as a first draft for their final projects. - Melissa Davenport, Dance/Arts Department

The Class of 2027 integrated Project Based Learning into their Name Phrase Unit.

Seventh graders recently completed their Dance History Research Projects. Each student was assigned a different dancer to research. They were tasked with creating a slideshow presentation using the NoodleTools application, which helped them organize their research materials and create citations for their project. - Melissa Davenport, Dance/Arts Department

Spotlight on Grade 8 Art

Spotlight on Upper School Science