Every parent and caregiver is a member of the Newton Country Day Parents’ Association (PA), a group that actively supports the school in its commitment to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. The Association meets monthly, and all are encouraged to attend.
The purpose of the PA is to facilitate communication and strengthen the school community by coordinating activities and events. It organizes volunteers to sponsor fundraising events, creates opportunities for families to get to know one another, and provides hospitality at school functions.
We hope you will join us at the PA meetings, and we look forward to your participation in the upcoming year.
If you are interested in participating in Parents’ Association events for the 2024-25 school year, please contact one of our PA Board members:
President: Mary Moriarty P '25
Officer: Rachel Busby P '23 '26 '29
Officer: Angela Winchenbaugh P '20 '21 '26
Officer: Emily Venanzi P '26
Officer: Kelly Woolbert P '21 '23 '31
For more information, please contact Director of Family Relations and Special Events Elena Loukas P '05 at (617) 244-4246 or parentsassociation@newtonSH.org.